

 文名:A Day without Feminis/m 沒有女權主義的一天
 作者:Jennifer Boumgoidnei & Amy Richards
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    之 女權文章
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      Jennifer Baumgardner (born 1970) is a writer, activist, filmmaker, and lecturer whose work explores abortion, sex, bisexuality, ra/pe, single parenthood, and women's power. Since 2013, she is the Executive Director/Publisher at The Feminist Press at the City University of New York (CUNY), a second wave feminist institution founded by Florence Howe in 1970.
      Jennifer Baumgardner出生于1970年,是一名作家、活動家、電影制作人,還是一名探索了墮胎、性、雙性戀、強/奸、單親家庭和女性力量的演講家。2013年開始,她擔任了紐約城市大學Feminist Press出版社的執(zhí)行董事和出版商,F(xiàn)eminist Press出版社是由Florence Howe在1970年創(chuàng)立的第二次女權主義浪潮機構。

      Amy Richards (born ca. 1971) is an American activist, writer, organizer, feminist and art historian.
      Amy Richards出生于約1971,是一名美國活動家、作家、活動組織家、女權主義者和藝術歷史學家。

      該文是兩人在2000年10月出版的《Manifesta: Young Women, Feminis/m and the Future》一書的前言。

      We were both born in 1970, the baptis/mal moment of a decade that would change dramatically the lives of American women. The two of us grew up thousands of miles apart, in entirely different kinds of families,yet we both came of age with the awareness that certain rights had been won by the women's movement. We've never doubted how important feminis/m is to people's lives—men's and women's. Both of our mothers went to consciousness-raising-type groups. Amy's mother raised Amy on her own, and Jennifer's mother, questioning the politics of housework, staged laundry strikes.


      With the dawn of not just a new century but a new millennium, people are looking back and taking stock of feminis/m. Do we need new strategies Is feminis/m dead Has society changed so much that the idea of a feminist movement is obsolete For us, the only way to answer these questions is to imagine what our lives would have been if the women's movement had never happened and the conditions for women had remained as they were in the year of our births.


      Imagine that for a day it's still 1970, and women have only the rights they had then. Sly and the family Stone and Dionne Warwick are on the radio, the kitchen appliances are Harvest Gold, and the name of your Whirlpool gas stove is Mrs. America. What is it like to be female Babies born on this day are automatically given their father's name. If no father is listed, "illegitimate" is likely to be typed on the birth certificate. There are virtually no child-care centers, so preschool children are in the hands of their mothers, a baby-sitter, or an expensive nursery school.

      想象一下現(xiàn)在仍然是1970年,女性只有她們以前的權利。電臺里還能聽到Sly and the family Stone(注:樂隊)和Dionne Warwick(注:歌手和主持人),廚房設備是Harvest Gold牌的,你的Whirlpool牌煤氣灶名為美國夫人(Mrs. America)。作為女性是什么樣呢?出生在這個時候的嬰兒自動署上父親的姓氏。如果沒有父親,“非法出生”可能會打印在他們的出生證明上。兒童托保育中心(托兒所)基本上不存在,所以學齡前兒童由她們的母親、保姆或是昂貴的幼兒園照料。

      In elementary school, girls can't play in Little League and almost all of the teachers are female.(The latter is still true.) In a few states, it may be against the law for a male to teach grades lower than the sixth, on the basis that it's unnatural, or that men can't be trusted with young children.

      小學里,女生們不能參與Little League(注:少年棒球或壘球聯(lián)盟),幾乎所有的老師都是女性(后一條仍然符合現(xiàn)實)。在一些州,法律禁止男性教授六年級以下的年級,理由是這有悖自然,或是兒童不信任男性。

      In junior high, girls probably take home ec; boys take shop or s/mall-engine repair. Boys who want to learn how to cook or sew on a button are out of luck, as are girls who want to learn how to fix a car. (Seventeen) magazine doesn't run feminists influenced current columns like "Sex + Body" and "Trauma-rama." Instead, the magazine encourages girls not to have sex; pleasure isn't part of its vocabulary.


      Judy Blume's books are just beginning to be published, and (Free to Be ... You and Me) does not exist. No one reads much about masturbation as a natural activity; nor do they learn that sex is for anything other than procreation. Girls do read mystery stories about Nancy Drew, for whom there is no sex, only her blue roadster and having "luncheon."(The real mystery is how Nancy gets along without a purse and manages to meet only white people.) Boys read about the Hardy Boys, for whom there are no girls.

      Judy Blume(注:作家,讀者群為兒童和青少年)的書剛開始開始發(fā)行,《我和你……盡情做自己》不存在。沒人對手/淫這項本能活動有足夠了解;他們也不知道性/交除了生殖之外還有更多意義。女孩們讀以Nancy Drew為主角的神秘小說(注:有點類似推理小說),這位主角的世界里沒有性/愛,只有她的藍色敞篷跑車和吃“正式午餐”(真正神秘之處在于Nancy如何在沒錢的情況下只和白人交往)。男孩們讀Hardy Boys(注:類似探險小虎隊),而Hardy Boys的世界里沒有女孩。

      In high school, the principal is a man. Girls have physical-education class and play half-court basketball, but not soccer, track, or cross country; nor do they have any varsity sports teams. The only prestigious physical activity for girls is cheerleading, or being a drum majorette. Most girls don't take calculus or physics; they plan the dances and decorate the gym. Even when girls get better grades than their male counterparts, they are half as likely to qualify for a National Merit Scholarship because many of the test questions favor boys. Standardized tests refer to males and male experiences much more than to females and their experiences. If a girl "gets herself pregnant," she loses her membership in the National Honor Society(which is still true today) and is expelled.


      Girls and young women might have sex while they're unmarried, but they may be ruining their chances of landing a guy full-time, and they're probably getting a bad reputation. If a pregnancy happens, an enterprising gal can get a legal abortion only if she lives in New York or is rich enough to fly there, or to Cuba, London, or Scandinavia. There's also the Chicago-based Jane Collective, an underground abortion-referral service, which can hook you up with an illegal or legal termination.(Any of these options are going to cost you. Illegal abortions average $300 to $500, sometimes as much as $2,000.)

      女孩們和年輕女性可能有婚前性行為,不過這樣做就毀了找個好人嫁了的機會,而且有可能敗壞了名聲。如果一個有進取心的女孩懷孕了,她只有住在紐約才能合法墮胎,或者她有錢飛到紐約、古巴、倫敦或是斯堪的納維亞。芝加哥也有地下墮胎中介組織Jane Collective可以給你提供合法或者非法的墮胎服務。(以上任何一個選項都要花錢。非法墮胎平均需要300到500美元,有時候要2000美元。)

      To prevent pregnancy, a sexually active woman might go to a doctor to be fitted for a diaphragm, or take the high-dose birth-control pill, but her doctor isn't likely to inform her of the possibility of deadly blood clots. Those who do take the Pill also may have to endure this contraceptive's crappy side effects: migraine headaches, severe weight gain, irregular bleeding, and hair loss (or gain), plus the possibility of an increased risk of breast cancer in the long run. It is unlikely that women or their male partners know much about the clitoris and its role in orgas/m unless someone happens to fumble upon it. Instead, the myth that vaginal orgas/ms from penile penetration are the only "mature"(according to Freud) climaxes prevails.


      Lesbians are rarely "out," except in certain bars owned by organized crime (the only business/men who recognize this untapped market), and if lesbians don't know about the bars, they're less likely to know whether there are any other women like them. Radclyffe Hall's depressing early-twentieth- century novel The Well of Loneliness pretty much indicates their fate.

      女同性戀們很少出柜,除非是在有組織犯罪者(唯一認可這片未開發(fā)市場的商人)開的酒吧里,同時如果拉拉們不知道這些地方,她們更少有可能知道是否有像她們一樣的女性。Radclyffe Hall(注:英國女作家)二十世紀早期令人心生絕望的小說《寂寞之井》(注:1928年出版的一本女同性戀小說)基本上描述了她們的命運。

      The Miss America Pageant is the biggest source of scholarship money for women. Women can't be students at Dartmouth, Columbia, Harvard, West Point, Boston College, or the Citadel, among other all-male institutions. Women's colleges are referred to as "girls' schools." There are Take Back the Night marches to protest ra/pe and violence against women, but not many join them because college girls aren't allowed out much after dark anyway. Curfew is likely to be midnight on Saturday and 9 or 10 p.m. the rest of the week. Guys get to stay out as late as they want.

      Miss America盛會(注:向17至24歲女性開放的學術盛會,每年舉辦一次)是女性最大的獎學金來源。女性不可能進入達特茅斯、哥倫比亞、哈佛、西點軍校、波士頓學院、卡姆登軍;蚴瞧渌徽惺漳行缘臋C構就讀。女性大學被稱作“女孩們的學!。有抗議強/奸和針對女性的暴力的“收回夜晚”游/行,但是參與的人不多,因為無論如何大學女生也不怎么被允許天黑后在外逗留。宵禁可能在周六半夜開始,平時在晚上九點或是十點開始。男人們則想在外面呆多晚就呆到多晚。

      Women tend to major in teaching, home economics, English, or maybe a language—a good skill for translating someone else's words. The women's studies major does not exist, although you can take a women's studies course at six universities, including Cornell and San Diego State College. The absence of women's history, black history, Chicane studies, Asian-American history, queer studies, and Native American history from college curricula implies that they are not worth studying. A student is lucky if he or she learns that women were "given" the vote in 1920, just as Columbus "discovered" America in 1492. They might also learn that Sojourner Truth, Mary Church Terrell, and Fannie Lou Hamer were black abolitionists or civil-rights leaders, but not that they were feminists.

      女性的專業(yè)大多數(shù)是教書、家庭經(jīng)濟、英語,或是一門語言——一項翻譯其他人說的話的優(yōu)秀技能!芭匝芯俊边@門專業(yè)不存在,雖然你可以在包括康奈爾和圣地亞哥州立大學在內(nèi)的六所大學上一門女性研究課程。大學并沒有設置女性歷史、黑人歷史、墨西哥裔美國人歷史、亞裔美國人歷史、男同性戀歷史和美國原住民歷史的課程,這暗示了這些歷史并不值得研究學習。如果一名學生如果學到了女性在1920年被“給予”了投票權,他或她無疑是走運的,就像哥倫布在1492年“發(fā)現(xiàn)”了美洲大陸一樣。他們也可能學到Sojourner Truth(注:女權活動家)、Mary Church Terrell(注:第一個拿到大學學位的非裔美國人,女權活動家,女性參政論者)和Fannie Lou Hamer(注:女權領袖,投票權活動家,慈善家)都是非裔廢奴主義者或是民權領袖,除了她們也是女權主義者。

      There are practically no tenured female professors at any school, and campuses are not racially diverse. Women of color are either not there or they're lonely as hell. There is no nationally recognized Women's History Month or Black History Month. Only 14 percent of doctorates are awarded to women. Only 3.5 percent of MBAs are female.


      Only 2 percent of everybody in the military is female, and these women are mostly nurses. There are no female generals in the U.S. Air Force, no female naval pilots, and no Marine brigadier generals. On the religious front, there are no female cantors or rabbis, Episcopal canons, or Catholic priests.(This is still true of Catholic priests.)


      Only 44 percent of women are employed outside the home. And those women make, on average, fifty-two cents to the dollar earned by males. Want ads are segregated into "Help Wanted Male" and "Help Wanted Female." The female side is preponderantly for secretaries, domestic workers, and other low-wage service jobs, so if you're a female lawyer you must look under "Help Wanted Male." There are female doctors, but twenty states have only five female gynecologists or fewer. Women workers can be fired or demoted for being pregnant, especially if they are teachers, since the kids they teach aren't supposed to think that women have sex.


      If a boss demands sex, refers to his female employee exclusively as "Baby," or says he won't pay her unless she gives him a blow job, she has to either quit or succumb—no pun intended. Women can't be airline pilots. Flight attendants are "stewardesses"—waitresses in the sky—and necessarily female.


      Sex appeal is a job requirement, wearing makeup is a rule, and women are fired if they exceed the age or weight deemed sexy. Stewardesses can get married without getting canned, but this is a new development.(In 1968 the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission—EEOC—made it illegal to forcibly retire stewardesses for getting hitched.) Less than 2 percent of dentists are women; 100 percent of dental assistants are women. The "glass ceiling" that keeps women from moving naturally up the ranks, as well as the sticky floor that keeps them unnaturally down in low-wage work, has not been named, much less challenged.


      When a woman gets married, she vows to love, honor, and obey her husband, though he gets off doing just the first two to uphold his end of the bargain. A married woman can't obtain credit without her husband's signature. She doesn't have her own credit rating, legal domicile, or even her own name unless she goes to court to gel it back. If she gets a loan with her husband—and she has a job—she may have to sign a "baby letter" swearing that she won't have one and have to leave her job.


      Women have been voting for up to fiftyyears, but their turnout rate is lower than that for men, and they tend to vote right along with their husbands, not with their own interests in mind. The divorce rate is about the same as it is in 2000, contrary to popular fiction's blaming the women's movement for divorce. However, divorce required that one person be at fault, therefore if you just want out of your marriage,you have to lie or blame your spouse. Property division and settlements, too, are based on fault.(And at a time when domestic violence isn't a term, much less a crime, women are legally encouraged to remain in abusive marriages.)


      If fathers ask for custody of the children they get it in 60 to 80 percent of the cases.(This is still true.) If a husband or a lover hits his partner, she has no shelter to go to unless she happens to live near the one in northern California or the other in upper Michigan. If a woman is downsized from her role as a housewife (a.k.a. left by her husband), there is no word for being a displaced homemaker. As a divorcee, she may be regarded as a family disgrace or as easy sexual prey. After all, she had sex with one guy, so why not (all) guys


      If a woman is not a Mrs., she's a Miss. A woman without makeup and a hairdo is as suspect as a man with them. Without a male escort she may be refused service in a restaurant or a bar, and a woman alone is hard-pressed to find a landlord who will rent her an apartment. After all, she'll probably be leaving to get married soon, and, if she isn't, the landlord doesn't want to deal with a potential brothel.


      Except among the very poor or in very rural areas, babies are born in hospitals. There are no certified midwives, and women are knocked out during birth. Most likely, they are also strapped down and lying down, made to have the baby against gravity for the doctor's convenience, if he has a schedule to keep, the likelihood of a cesarean is also very high.


     。∣ur Bodies, Ourselves) doesn't exist, nor does the women's health movement. Women aren't taught how to look at their cervixes, and their bodies are nothing to worry their pretty little heads about; however, they are supposed to worry about keeping their little heads pretty. If a woman goes under the knife to see if she has breast cancer, the surgeon won't wake her up to consult about her options before performing a Halsted mastectomy(a disfiguring radical procedure, in which the breast, the muscle wall, and the nodes under the arm, right down to the bone, are removed). She'll just wake up and find that the choice has been made for her.


      Husbands are likely to die eight years earlier than their same-age wives due to the stress of having to support a family and repress an emotional life, and a lot earlier than that if women have followed the custom of marrying older, authoritative, paternal men. The stress of raising kids, managing a household, and being undervalued by society doesn't seem to kill off women at the same rate. Upon a man's death, his beloved gets a portion of his Social Security. Even if she has worked outside the home for her entire ad/ult life, she is probably better off with that portion than with hers in its entirety, because she has earned less and is likely to have taken time out for such unproductive acts as having 【kids】.


      Has feminis/m changed our lives Was it necessary After thirtyyears of feminis/m, the world we inhabit barely resembles the world we were born into. And there's 【still a lot left to do】.

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    第1章 沒有女權主義的一天

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