
內(nèi)容標(biāo)簽:  重生

一句話簡介:One Day in the Summer

  總點擊數(shù): 1889   總書評數(shù):2 當(dāng)前被收藏數(shù):1 文章積分:1,471,736
  • 文章類型: 隨筆
  • 作品視角:
  • 所屬系列: 隨想勿擾
  • 文章進度:完結(jié)
  • 全文字數(shù):1635字
  • 版權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)化: 尚未出版(聯(lián)系出版
  • 簽約狀態(tài): 已簽約
  • 作品榮譽: 尚無任何作品簡評

One Day in the Summer

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    One Day in the Summer

      “Hello, Sila.”
      “Hello, Sandy.”
      My day starts with a greeting from my owner. Though, I am pretty sure she can not hear my voice, and it is eccentric in a way since she knows I can not respond.
      I am just an ordinary computer, with a name, which my owner gives me. That makes her a very good owner. She talks to me. When she is alone, and I mean when nobody is around her, she will start talking to herself. Like when she is reading Sense and Sensibility. “Great book, great author! Oh, I wish I can live with Elinor in that peaceful town and...just peaceful and placid!” Here’s a dramatic change, just a minute later, “why Marianne always fails to see the true meaning of love and marriage?”
      Randomly waving her hands in the air, that is a typical way of expressing her feelings towards someone or some incidents in the book.
      The only thing she cannot stand is horror novels. Depending on what the story is about, she quickly decides whether the book is meaningful to read or entertaining enough for her. Horror novels with ghosts, she just feels it is meaningless for its existence. A very moody girl, isn’t she.
      When she finally finishes probably three or four chapters, she turns to me, and starts to read again. This time is on-line. I literarily have the data of books she read on-line. 60% is fan fiction, 35% is fantasy. Something like Narnia, but more interesting, more romantic, and more adventurous. The other 5% is stories that are appealing to my lady. Again, banging on the table, talk to herself, and the morning we share just passes so quickly.
      She brings her food to eat in front of me while playing House M.D., a TV series. What an insensitive person she is, I can not eat, my friend!
      At most, ten minutes later, I just want to laugh at her, I really do. Look at her, her mouth is stuffed with rice and vegetables, and she wants to say something? Believe me, her face is hilarious!
      “Oh, Dr. House! Why won’t anyone believe you?”
      There is no surprise. They are doctors, Sandy. And wake up! House is not Snape (she said the same thing when she was reading Deathly Hollow the other day)! Even if they are all cynical and sarcastic!
      All right, it is just a way of saying “I am upset”. Who will not? I have been running for the whole morning! Give me a break! I have a computer’s rights,you know.
      Finally, she stops going online, I can have a nap. However, I really don’t want to miss her writing time. She loves writing, and that is one reason she joins Writer’s Craft class. She is terrible at vocabulary, sentence structure, not even writing itself! On the other hand, writing makes her happy and she can say anything in her stories. Besides, she has a lot of wild ideas, interesting to see. Sometimes, she writes sad poem and stories. She hides them in a folder. Don’t worry, my dear,your secrets are safe with me, I won’t slip a word.
      Unfortunately for the other stories, the long ones, she barely finishes. Although she wants to share only the finished story, it is still not proofread yet. Well, that is not a good writer’s quality. Some other authors write a two-hundred-page book in one month or so, that is called an author!
      About two hours later, she puts me back on the field. Not that I want to complain, but she watches Harry Potter everyday! Every single day! What can I say? I have to listen to her all “Snape is so cool” things over and over again! When is she going to let it go and grow up like my friends’ owners do?
      Breathe Sila, breathe! Sandy’s mother will come home soon.
      Finally, her mother comes back. A day just passed away, like it does on the other days. Sandy, it is always about Sandy. I sigh with a smile. Yes, it is always about her, and it will be always about her. She is cunning, brilliant, and sometimes emotional. That's my lady, a noble friend who faithfully believes that I am able to feel her. She makes me feel honourable.
      “Bye-bye, Sila”
      “Bye, Sandy.”

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